A PDF EDITION OF MUSSA'S CONSTITUTION IS AVAILABLE. Below is a plain-text edition of the Constitution for accessibility and transparency purposes.
Official Update: September 12, 2024 at the Annual General Meeting
The Master of Museum Studies Student Association (MUSSA) acknowledges the past and ongoing role of museums in colonialism and is committed to overcoming and reforming oppressive practices within the iSchool and the larger museum community. MUSSA operates on the traditional lands of the Mississaugas of the Credit, Wendat peoples, Haudenosaunee, and Anishinaabe. We also acknowledge that Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. We are thankful to be situated on Turtle Island and for the opportunity to learn and work on the land.
MUSSA is a student association of the University of Toronto and as such is committed to the university’s goals of equity, human rights, and respect for diversity. All members of the learning environment should strive to create an atmosphere of mutual respect where all members of our community can express themselves, engage with one another, and respect one another’s differences. The University of Toronto does not condone discrimination, violence or harassment against any persons or communities. As University of Toronto students, MUSSA members are bound by the University of Toronto’s Code of Student Conduct and are expected to act in a manner that is appropriate and respectful while fulfilling their role at MUSSA.
We, the students of the Museum Studies Program within the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto, do hereby adopt the following constitution.
The student government of the Master of Museum Studies Program in the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto shall hereinafter be known as the Master of Museum Studies Student Association or MUSSA.
A “member” of MUSSA is any registered Master of Museum Studies and Combined Degree Program (CDP) student. These students are collectively referred to herein as “Museum Studies students.”
An “officer” of MUSSA is an elected individual in an executive or committee position on MUSSA’s council. MUSSA’s council of officers is herein referred to as “MUSSA council”.
Only students registered in the Museum Studies program, including CDP students, may be elected or appointed as officers of MUSSA unless otherwise stated by this Constitution. Only students in good standing as determined by the University of Toronto may be selected or appointed to all other non-council positions under the jurisdiction of MUSSA unless otherwise stated by this Constitution.
MUSSA welcomes, and does not discriminate against, individuals of all ages, sexes, gender identities, sexual orientations, disabilities, races, skin colours, lands of origin, and religions, citizenship, immigration, and veteran status.
MUSSA shall levy an annual fee from its Membership to support the activities of MUSSA. The fee shall be $12.50 per member per term, per semester.
MUSSA members shall be required to pay their fees upon registration in the Master of Museum Studies program.
Any amendment to the existing fee amount must be passed by a 50% majority of voters by virtue of referendum procedures outlined in Article VIV.
MUSSA’s funds are the responsibility of the President and the Treasurer, once elected. The President and Treasurer must both be involved in all financial decisions related to MUSSA’s funds, including but not limited to third-party payments, spending within MUSSA, and reimbursements.
MUSSA shall be responsible for all debts incurred by itself.
Fundraising events and initiatives, in times of financial concern for MUSSA, will be spearheaded through the union of the Social Cabinet and the Treasurer, to be called upon when especially needed.
The President and/or Treasurer will deposit MUSSA’s funds in an account at a nearby bank.
The President, Vice President and Treasurer shall be given signing authority, once elected.
The President must report on the financial status of MUSSA at the Annual General Meeting. The Treasurer must report on the financial status of MUSSA at every MUSSA council meeting thereafter.
The Treasurer must produce and publicly publish on the MUSSA website an end-of-year financial report indicating incoming account balance, expenditures and income, and outgoing account balance.
MUSSA’s fiscal year follows the term of office of the council and shall be from May 1st to April 30th of the following year.
All payments and reimbursements must be processed in a timely manner.
MUSSA’s financial governance must adhere to MUSSA’s financial policies, which shall be available publicly upon request and can be updated on an annual basis at the discretion of the President and Treasurer.
The mission of MUSSA is to:
Represent Museum Studies and CDP Students in the Faculty of Information;
Foster unity, sociability, and friendship among members of the MUSSA council, the Museum Studies community, and the Faculty of Information community;
Represent Museum Studies students’ interests within the Museum Studies Program, Faculty of Information, the School of Graduate Studies, the Graduate Students' Union, and the University of Toronto community at large;
Seek representation in decision-making bodies of the Museum Studies Program;
Seek representation on decision-making bodies and Council Committees of the Faculty of Information;
Promote the advancement of the Museum Studies program;
Facilitate professional relations between Museum Studies students and the museum community;
Stand in solidarity with, and amplify the voices of Black, Indigenous and People of Colour within the Museum Studies program and wider Faculty of Information; and
Foster relationships with Museum Studies students and the museum community that promote racial justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion.
MUSSA council is composed of officers who hold executive and committee positions. Executive positions are defined in Article IV. Committees and their representatives are defined in Article V.
Executive positions make up the core operations of MUSSA’s activities.
Configurations of certain executive positions in relation to specific MUSSA events make up Cabinets. Cabinets and their behaviours are defined in Article IV, paragraph 6.
Committee positions are representatives of MUSSA that sit on committees that exist within the faculty.
MUSSA council’s term of office shall be from May 1st to April 30th. See Article VI for terms of office in specific positions.
MUSSA executive officers shall consist of the following:
The President, who:
Coordinates MUSSA officers;
Calls MUSSA’s Annual General Meeting;
Sets the agenda for MUSSA council meetings until the Secretary is elected;
Schedules and chairs MUSSA council meetings;
Serves as a signing authority of MUSSA;
Sits on Faculty of Information Committees as requested by MUSSA and reports on Committees' actions to MUSSA;
Sits on the Faculty Council with the Vice President;
Sits on the Awards Committee;
Forms the MUSSA Social Cabinet with the Social Chair, First Year Representative, Second-Year Representative, Social Assistant and Social Media Manager;
Reports on a regular basis to the Director of the Museum Studies program;
Works with the Vice President to maintain the MUSSA Gmail account and respond to internal and external inquiries;
Is responsible for retrieving all MUSSA mail;
Is expected to attend all monthly council meetings;
Is expected to vote on matters requiring council approval unless there is a conflict of interest;
Officially represents MUSSA and upholds its values in all in-person and online interactions related to MUSSA;
Is accountable to members of MUSSA in fulfilling their assigned duties.
The Vice President, who:
Assists the President in the execution of that office;
Is acting President in the latter's absence;
Assumes the duties of the President should the President leave office;
Serves as a signing authority for MUSSA;
Sits on Faculty of Information Committees as requested by MUSSA and reports on Committees' actions to MUSSA;
Serves as the Graduate Students’ Union (GSU) representative;
Is responsible for applying for grants from the GSU.
Sits on the Faculty Council with the President;
Puts their name forward for Executive Council during the first Faculty Council meeting of the year;
Sits in on other council and committee meetings as required;
Serves as the Chief Returning Officer (CRO) overseeing all electoral logistics, referenda, and regulations;
Administers MUSSA’s online presence through the MUSEletter and website (e.g. meeting minutes);
Works with the President to maintain the MUSSA Gmail account and respond to internal and external inquiries;
Is expected to attend all monthly council meetings;
Is expected to vote on matters requiring council approval unless there is a conflict of interest;
Officially represents MUSSA council and upholds its values in all in-person and online interactions related to MUSSA;
Is accountable to members of MUSSA in fulfilling their assigned duties.
The Secretary, who:
Collects officer updates to create the agenda for MUSSA council meetings;
Takes minutes at all MUSSA council meetings;
Distributes the minutes within 48 hours of the last meeting to MUSSA officers;
Sits on Faculty of Information Committees as requested by MUSSA and reports on Committees’ actions to MUSSA;
May be the GSU representative should the Vice President be unavailable;
If called upon, is responsible for helping the Vice President with grants.
Is expected to attend all monthly council meetings;
Is expected to vote on matters requiring council approval unless there is a conflict of interest;
Officially represents MUSSA and upholds its values in all in-person and online interactions related to MUSSA;
Is accountable to members of MUSSA in fulfilling their assigned duties.
The Treasurer, who:
Manages the finances of MUSSA while adhering to MUSSA’s financial responsibility in Article III;
Administers and updates MUSSA’s financial policies on an annual basis;
Serves as a signing authority of MUSSA;
Presents a financial report at each MUSSA council meeting;
Sits on Faculty of Information Committees as requested by MUSSA and reports on Committees' actions to MUSSA council;
May be the GSU representative should the Vice President be unavailable;
If called upon, is responsible for helping the Vice President with grants.
Submits an end-of-year financial report to the outgoing/incoming councils;
Works with Second-Year Representative regarding merchandise finances;
Works with the FIAA representative for FIAA-related collaborations;
Monitors incoming e-transfers in the MUSSA Gmail account to reconcile with the budget and bank statements;
When especially needed, collaborates with the Social Cabinet in the planning and execution of fundraising initiatives;
Is expected to attend all monthly council meetings;
Is expected to vote on matters requiring council approval unless there is a conflict of interest;
Officially represents MUSSA and upholds its values in all in-person and online interactions related to MUSSA;
Is accountable to members of MUSSA in fulfilling their assigned duties.
The Social Chair, who:
Is responsible for the planning, coordination, and execution of social and professional development events and trips;
Helps to promote MUSSA events and serves as a contact point for those events;
Works with the Social Media Manager and Social Media Assistant for the promotion of MUSSA events on social media;
Oversees the work of the Social Assistant;
Sits on Faculty of Information Committees as requested by MUSSA and reports on Committees' actions to MUSSA council;
Forms the MUSSA Social Cabinet with the President, First Year Representative, Second-Year Representative, Social Assistant, Social Media Manager, and Social Media Assistant;
Is expected to attend all monthly council meetings;
Is expected to vote on matters requiring council approval unless there is a conflict of interest;
Officially represents MUSSA and upholds its values in all in-person and online interactions related to MUSSA;
Is accountable to members of MUSSA in fulfilling their assigned duties.
The Social Assistant, who:
Assists the Social Chair in the planning, coordination and execution of trips/excursions, alongside social and professional development events;
Sits on the Faculty of Information Committees as requested by MUSSA and reports on Committees’ actions to MUSSA;
Collaborates with the First-Year Representative to update the program calendar on the fifth floor;
Forms the MUSSA Social Cabinet with the President, Social Chair, First Year Representative, Second-Year Representative, Social Media Manager, and Social Media Assistant;
Works with the Social Media Manager and Social Media Assistant for the promotion of MUSSA events on social media;
Assists with the promotion of MUSSA events through digital and physical marketing when requested by the MUSSA Social Cabinet, acting as a called-upon replacement in case of the absence, illness, or vacancy of the Social Media Manager or Social Media Assistant,
Sits on the Faculty of Information Conference committee (iConference) if applicable;
Is expected to attend all monthly council meetings;
Is expected to vote on matters requiring council approval unless there is a conflict of interest;
Officially represents MUSSA and upholds its values in all in-person and online interactions related to MUSSA;
Is accountable to members of MUSSA in fulfilling their assigned duties.
The Social Media Manager, who:
Promotes MUSSA events through digital (social media) and physical (e.g. posters) marketing tools;
Manages the Social Media platforms (Facebook, Instagram) on behalf or under the authority of MUSSA;
Oversees the work of the Social Media Assistant;
Upon request, acts as the official Musings photographer;
Attends MUSSA events, shares event photos and videos on MUSSA’s social platforms, and shares content with the Vice President to post on MUSSA’s website;
Sits on the Faculty of Information Committees as requested by MUSSA and reports on Committees’ actions to MUSSA;
Forms the MUSSA Social Cabinet with the Social Chair, First-Year Representative, Second-Year Representative, President, and Social Assistant;
Is expected to attend all monthly council meetings;
Is expected to vote on matters requiring council approval unless there is a conflict of interest;
Officially represents MUSSA and upholds its values in all in-person and online interactions related to MUSSA;
Is accountable to members of MUSSA in fulfilling their assigned duties.
The Social Media Assistant, who:
Assists the Social Media Manager in promoting MUSSA events through digital (social media) and physical (e.g. posters) marketing;
Attends MUSSA events and shares event photos and videos on MUSSA social platforms and website;
Forms the MUSSA Social Cabinet with the Social Chair, Social Assistant, First-Year Representative, Second-Year Representative, President, and Social Media Manager;
Is expected to attend all monthly council meetings;
Is expected to vote on matters requiring council approval unless there is a conflict of interest;
Officially represents MUSSA and upholds its values in all in-person and online interactions related to MUSSA;
Is accountable to members of MUSSA in fulfilling their assigned duties.
The First-Year Representative, who:
Represents first-year interests and brings concerns to MUSSA council;
Makes weekly announcements and reminders to first-year classes;
Sits on Faculty of Information Committees as requested by MUSSA and reports on Committees' actions to MUSSA council;
Forms the MUSSA Social Cabinet with the Social Chair, Second-Year Representative, President, Social Assistant, Social Media Manager, and Social Media Assistant;
Assists the Social Assistant in updating the program calendar on the fifth floor;
Assists Second-Year Representative with organisation and management of merchandise orders and sales for students throughout the academic year;
Is expected to attend all monthly council meetings;
Is expected to vote on matters requiring council approval unless there is a conflict of interest;
Officially represents MUSSA and upholds its values in all in-person and online interactions related to MUSSA;
Is accountable to members of MUSSA in fulfilling their assigned duties.
The Second-Year Representative, who:
Represents second-year interests and brings concerns to the MUSSA council;
Organises and manages merchandise orders and sales for students throughout the academic year;
Works with the Treasurer regarding merchandise finances.
Makes weekly announcements and reminders to second-year classes;
Sits on Faculty of Information Committees as requested by MUSSA and reports on Committees' actions to MUSSA council;
Forms the MUSSA Social Cabinet with the Social Chair, First-Year Representative, President, Social Assistant, Social Media Manager, and Social Media Assistant;
Is expected to attend all monthly council meetings;
Is expected to vote on matters requiring council approval unless there is a conflict of interest;
Officially represents MUSSA and upholds its values in all in-person and online interactions related to MUSSA;
Is accountable to members of MUSSA in fulfilling their assigned duties.
The Combined Degree Program (CDP) Representative, who:
Represents CDP interests and brings concerns to the MUSSA council;
Sits on Faculty of Information Committees as requested by MUSSA and reports on Committees' actions to MUSSA council;
Is expected to attend all monthly council meetings;
Is expected to vote on matters requiring council approval unless there is a conflict of interest;
Officially represents MUSSA and upholds its values in all in-person and online interactions related to MUSSA;
Is accountable to members of MUSSA in fulfilling their assigned duties.
The MISC-MUSSA Liaison, who:
Is appointed by the President(s) of both Master of Information Student Council (MISC) and MUSSA from a pool of applicants following the spring election cycle;
Nominations for this position shall be co-organized with MISC (See Article VI for details on the nomination process).
Shall encourage collaboration and conversation between the councils and the student bodies;
Is involved in planning joint events;
Is expected to attend all monthly council meetings;
Is expected to vote on matters requiring council approval unless there is a conflict of interest;
Officially represents MUSSA and upholds its values in all in-person and online interactions related to MUSSA;
Is accountable to members of MUSSA in fulfilling their assigned duties.
The Secretary, Treasurer, Social Assistant, First-Year Representative, and Social Media Assistant shall be first-year students or second-year CDP students. The President, Vice President, Social Chair, and Second-Year Representative shall be second-year students or third-year CDP students. The first-year representative shall be any first-year MMSt or second year CDP student. The CDP representative must be a Combined Degree Program student, but may be a student in any year of study. The Social Media Manager may be a student in any year of study. The MISC-MUSSA Liaison must be a CDP student but may be a student in any year of study.
The configuration of specific Cabinets are composed of the following positions and are compelled to the following actions:
The MUSSA Social Cabinet which:
Is formed with the President, the Social Chair, Social Media Manager, Social Assistant, Social Media Assistant, First Year Representative, and Second-Year Representative;
Meets regularly, as it fits the Cabinet, to plan, execute, and modify plans and channels of communication as they relate to MUSSA goals;
When necessary, meets and organises in collaboration with the Treasurer for fundraising initiatives
Representatives from the Museum Studies program for the following committees shall be elected or appointed by MUSSA, subject to the existence of the committee in any given academic year:
Musings Committee
Consists of the Musings Co-Editors-in-Chief, Musings Communication Officer, and Contributing Editors. These roles are defined as follows:
The Musings Co-Editors-in-Chief, who:
Jointly lead and manage the committee;
Lead the production of the Musings blog and are responsible for the content, design, production, promotion, and finances as a two-person leadership team, made up of the following two roles:
The Copy Editor, who:
Critically edits and provides feedback on works submitted by contributing editors to ensure their academic and factual quality and merit,
Contributes, to the best of their ability, by means of personally drafting and editing articles to be published by Musings,
Performs outreach activities as they relate to the recruitment of Musings Contributing Writers
Assists the Administrative Editor when needed.
The Administrative Editor, who:
Coordinates the scheduling of all Musings Committee members,
Maintains Musings’ websites and social media (Facebook and Instagram),
Works to create and maintain Musings’ publishing schedule,
Contributes, to the best of their ability, by means of personally drafting and editing articles to be published by Musings,
In the instance that the Copy Editor contributes to Musings, has the role of editing the Copy Editor’s works.
Will use Musings as a platform to report on current museology trends, Museum Studies Program news, and alumni news, as well as encourage submissions from MMSt and CDP students. The content and focus are at the discretion of the editors, and faculty representative;
Shall ensure the production of Musings as often as appropriate in an online setting;
Along with the faculty representative, manage and coordinate a team of student writers;
Are responsible for delegating tasks to the Musings Communication Officer;
Are expected to attend all monthly MUSSA council meetings;
Only one Co-Editor-in-Chief is required to attend all monthly council meetings as a Musings representative.
Are expected to vote on matters requiring council approval unless there is a conflict of interest;
Officially represents MUSSA and upholds its values in all in-person and online interactions related to MUSSA;
Are accountable to members of MUSSA in fulfilling their assigned duties.
Musings Communication Officer who:
Takes minutes at Musings committee meetings;
Assists Musings Co-Editors-in-Chief with the organisation of Musings social media (Facebook, and Instagram), meetings, and outreach;
May represent the Musings Co-Editors-in-Chief at MUSSA council meetings when the former are unavailable;
Reports to the Musings Co-Editors-in-Chief;
Is expected to attend all monthly council meetings;
Is expected to vote on matters requiring council approval unless there is a conflict of interest;
Officially represents MUSSA and upholds its values in all in-person and online interactions related to MUSSA;
Is accountable to members of MUSSA in fulfilling their assigned duties.
Musings Contributing Writers who:
Are made up of members of the MMSt/CDP student body and,
Have agreed to contribute their written works to Musings on a non-contractual yet personally beneficial basis.
The Musings Co-Editors-in-Chief shall be second-year students or third-year CDP students. The Musings Communication Officer shall be a first-year student or a second-year CDP student. All other Committee positions may be from any year of study.
Museum Professionals of Colour (MPOC)
Operates per their constitution externally to MUSSA;
The MPOC Executive Committee is made up of the MPOC President, the MPOC Treasurer, the Administrative Coordinator and the Communications Coordinator. Their roles, as defined by their constitution, are as follows:
The MPOC President, who:
Acts as a liaison within the organization and the Executive Committee;
Assists the MPOC Executive Committee with their tasks;
Attends and represents MPOC during MUSSA meetings and other Faculty of Information events;
Attends and represents MPOC during physical and virtual appearances, which may include public speaking on behalf of MPOC;
Oversees special initiatives and projects, as mutually determined by the MPOC Executive Committee;
Is expected to attend all monthly committee meetings;
Officially represents MPOC;
Is accountable to members of MPOC.
The MPOC Treasurer, who:
Regulates and maintains up-to-date information on MPOC’s financial budget;
Is responsible for seeking any financial support that is available inside and outside of the faculty;
Acts as a liaison with the MUSSA Treasurer to ensure MPOC’s finances are separate from MUSSA;
Serves as a signing authority of MPOC;
Sets the Agenda for MPOC meetings in the Administrative Coordinator’s absence;
Oversees special initiatives and projects, as mutually determined by the MPOC Executive Committee;
Is expected to attend all monthly MPOC committee meetings;
Officially represents MPOC;
Is accountable to members of MPOC.
The Administrative Coordinator, who:
Sets the Agenda for MPOC meetings;
Takes minutes at all MPOC meetings;
Acts as a liaison within the organization;
Is the main administrator of MPOC’s email, alongside the rest of the MPOC Committee;
Calls MPOC’s Annual General Meeting;
Oversees special initiatives and projects, as mutually determined by the MPOC Executive Committee;
Is expected to attend all monthly MPOC committee meetings;
Officially represents MPOC;
Is accountable to members of MPOC.
The Communications Coordinator, who:
Collaborates with other student groups within the faculty;
Develops content and promotes MPOC within the faculty (e.g.. designing and placing posters, writing copy, etc.);
Is responsible for maintaining MPOC’s online presence including, but not limited to, Wordpress, Facebook, Twitter & Instagram;
Assists in administering MPOC’s web presence (Gmail) alongside the rest of the MPOC Executive Committee;
Oversees special initiatives and projects, as mutually determined by the MPOC Executive Committee;
Is expected to attend all MPOC monthly committee meetings;
Officially represents MPOC;
Is accountable to members of MPOC.
MPOC’s budget is dependent on financial support from MUSSA, and should be accounted for within the Annual Budget.
Grants that MPOC apply for will be held within the MUSSA finances on MPOC’s behalf and should be accounted for within the Annual Budget.
The role of MPOC President shall be elected by April 30th as part of MUSSA spring elections.
All other MPOC positions will be appointed internally within the MPOC Executive Committee
Graduate Student Union
The Museum Studies representative for the Graduate Student Union is called the Graduate Student Union (GSU) Representative, who:
Sits on UTGSU meetings and reports on the Union’s actions to the MUSSA council.
Officially represents MUSSA and upholds its values in all in-person and online interactions related to MUSSA;
Is accountable to members of MUSSA in fulfilling their assigned duties.
This position is filled by the Vice President. If the latter is unable to serve, the Secretary or Treasurer may assume the position.
Alumni Association
The Museum Studies representative for the Alumni Association is called the Alumni Association Representative, who:
Sits on the Faculty of Information Alumni Association (FIAA) meetings and reports on the committee's actions to MUSSA council;
Serves on the Social Committee for FIAA-related collaborations and helps with its event planning;
Works with the Treasurer for FIAA-related collaborations;
Is expected to attend all monthly council meetings;
Is expected to vote on matters requiring council approval unless there is a conflict of interest.
Officially represents MUSSA and upholds its values in all in-person and online interactions related to MUSSA;
Is accountable to members of MUSSA in fulfilling their assigned duties.
Masters Recruitment & Admissions Committee (MRAC)
The Museum Studies representative for the MRAC is called the Recruitment & Admissions Committee Representative, who:
Sits in on MRAC meetings and reports on the committee's actions to the MUSSA council;
Is expected to attend all monthly council meetings;
Is expected to vote on matters requiring council approval unless there is a conflict of interest.
Officially represents MUSSA and upholds its values in all in-person and online interactions related to MUSSA;
Is accountable to members of MUSSA in fulfilling their assigned duties.
Faculty Council
The Museum Studies representative for the Faculty Council is called the Faculty Council Representative, who:
Sits on the Faculty Council meetings and reports on the council's actions to MUSSA council;
MUSSA holds two positions on the Faculty Council which will be filled by the President and Vice President.
Officially represents MUSSA and upholds its values in all in-person and online interactions related to MUSSA;
Is accountable to members of MUSSA in fulfilling their assigned duties.
Programs Committee
The Museum Studies representative for the Programs Committee is called the Programs Committee Representative, who:
Sits on the Programs Committee meetings and reports on the committee's actions to the MUSSA council;
Is expected to attend all monthly council meetings;
Is expected to vote on matters requiring council approval unless there is a conflict of interest.
Officially represents MUSSA and upholds its values in all in-person and online interactions related to MUSSA;
Is accountable to members of MUSSA in fulfilling their assigned duties.
Committee on Standing
The Museum Studies representative for the Committee on Standing is called the Committee on Standing Representative, who:
Sits on the Committee on Standing meetings and reports on the committee's actions to the MUSSA council;
Is expected to attend all monthly council meetings;
Is expected to vote on matters requiring council approval unless there is a conflict of interest.
Officially represents MUSSA and upholds its values in all in-person and online interactions related to MUSSA;
Is accountable to members of MUSSA in fulfilling their assigned duties.
Indigenous Action and Anti-Colonialism Committee (IAACC) (Previously the Truth and Reconciliation Student Working Group [TRSWG])
The Museum Studies representative for the IAACC is called the IAACC Representative, who:
Sits on the IAACC meetings and reports on the committee's actions to the MUSSA council.
Officially represents MUSSA and upholds its values in all in-person and online interactions related to MUSSA;
Is accountable to members of MUSSA in fulfilling their assigned duties.
Faculty of Information Student Conference (iConference) Committee
The Museum Studies representative for the Faculty of Information Student Conference is called the Faculty of Information Student Conference (iConference) Committee Representative, who:
Sits on the Faculty of Information Student Conference Representative Committee (iConference) meetings and reports on the committee's actions to MUSSA council;
Represents MUSSA on the iConference committee at the leadership level;
Is to make decisions regarding the execution of the iConference in partnership with other members of the committee;
Monitors communication related to establishment, execution and conclusion of the iConference on behalf of MUSSA;
Officially represents MUSSA and upholds its values in all in-person and online interactions related to MUSSA;
Is accountable to members of MUSSA in fulfilling their assigned duties.
If unelected, this position is filled by the Social Assistant. If they are unable to serve, another MUSSA officer may volunteer.
Other ad hoc committees
Officially represents MUSSA and upholds its values in all in-person and online interactions related to MUSSA council;
Is accountable to members of MUSSA in fulfilling their assigned duties.
The President will announce the nomination and election dates, subject to the approval of the MUSSA council.
MUSSA holds bi-annual elections: in September and April of every academic year.
The President, Vice President, Social Chair, Second-Year Representative, Musings Co-Editors-in-Chief, Social Media Manager, MPOC President and all committee representatives shall be elected by April 30th. The MISC-MUSSA Liaison shall be appointed by April 30th.
The Secretary, Treasurer, Social Assistant, Social Media Assistant, First-Year Representative, and any unfilled positions shall be elected by September 30th.
The election period is defined as the term between the official call for nominations and the final announcement of the newly elected officers.
Nominations shall open at least one week before the election.
MUSSA Council Members are welcome to answer questions regarding their role and responsibilities for anyone interested in nominating themselves, but they are to remain impartial and are not able to endorse or speak in favour of or against any particular candidate.
Museum Studies or CDP students can hold up to two positions, one executive and one committee position, or two committee positions. An individual can run for, but is not eligible to simultaneously hold, a President or Vice President position and a Musings Editor position.
If there are any unfilled executive or committee positions outside of an election period, the CRO may propose a student candidate to fill unfilled positions.
If appointed to an executive or committee position outside of an election period, the candidate has 48 hours to accept or reject the offered position.
Following the candidate’s acceptance of the appointment, the MUSSA council can then vote for a new or existing member to fulfil the position based on the CRO’s appointment without having to hold an Election.
Positions filled by means of the Use of Article VI, Section 6, Points A through C are to be voted on at the next council meeting (special or otherwise), with a majority (at least 51%) supporting the CRO’s proposed candidate(s). After the vote, the candidate is considered “confirmed” to the council and is to be added to all necessary channels of communication at that time.
Should the Spring Elections conclude without a Vice President being elected, an elected member (executive or committee) may act as Vice President in the interim without violating Article VI, Section 6. The Interim Vice President may hold their role until a Museum Studies or CDP student expresses interest in the role, or until Fall elections.
The CRO is required to call and host an All-Candidates meeting during the nomination period. Interested candidates must attend this meeting in order to nominate themselves for any role. Attending the All-Candidates meeting does not obligate a student to nominate themselves.
Campaigning is permitted during the designated period as outlined by the CRO and must adhere to the campaigning guidelines set by the CRO at the beginning of the election period. Campaigning is not permitted during the voting period.
In the event that campaigning outside of the election period is reported to the CRO, the CRO shall undertake an investigation of the claims to determine their validity
Should the CRO determine that campaigning did occur outside of the designated period, the student nominee(s) involved shall receive one emailed warning from the CRO on behalf of MUSSA informing them of the constitutional rules. Should improper campaigning continue, the candidate shall be removed from electoral consideration.
Online voting will be held over the course of a week after the nomination period.
All registered MUSSA Members (herein called “electorates”, when concerning elections) are eligible to vote. For each position, electorates have the option to vote for a candidate or abstain from voting.
If a candidate is running for a position unopposed, they shall obtain more votes than abstentions in order to successfully attain their position.
Students may nominate themselves for the position of MISC-MUSSA Liaison in the week following the spring election cycle. Nominations shall open at least one week before the appointment. The President(s) of both MISC and MUSSA shall appoint a member from the pool of applicants.
MUSSA council shall hold a referendum open to all Members to increase a fund or create a new fund of interest to MUSSA.
If the President and Vice President both feel that a MUSSA officer (executive or committee) is not fulfilling their responsibility, it is both the President’s and Vice President's responsibility to have a meeting with the individual to discuss their performance.
MUSSA’s President and Vice President have the authority to ask a MUSSA officer (executive or committee) to respectfully resign or to be voted for removal if they are not fulfilling their duties as outlined in the constitution.
The officer up for removal shall have the right to appeal the termination.
A two-thirds majority (66%) vote of MUSSA officers is required for the removal of the officer from the council to take place.
MUSSA officers may request their own termination should they feel incapable of fulfilling their responsibilities or given other personal circumstances that may arise, by writing to and meeting with the President and Vice President to discuss their situation.
Following a representative leaving, MUSSA council can appoint and vote in a new officer to fill the empty position without having to hold an election midyear MUSSA Council should aim to fill the empty position within 2 weeks. See Article VI, section 6 for instructions on appointing a non-elected to the role
All MUSSA council meetings (monthly, special, or otherwise) are to be chaired as described in Articles IV and V.
MUSSA holds at least one Annual General Meeting (AGM) each academic year, usually during September. All students in the MMSt and CDP programs shall be invited to attend and have one vote on matters requiring approval at the AGM.
After the Annual General Meeting, the MUSSA council shall meet once a month until the end of the academic year (April), at which time formal meetings cease, not resuming until the next Annual General Meeting unless deemed necessary by the incoming council (called ‘special’ or ‘summer’ meetings, as appropriate).
Student members who do not hold an elected position on the MUSSA council and wish to attend monthly council meetings shall make a written request to the MUSSA council - by contacting the MUSSA public email, or another member of the council who will inform the President (to ensure they are greeted and addressed) and Secretary (to ensure their attendance appears on the Meeting minutes), or those acting in those positions at that time.
Meeting minutes from all monthly council meetings shall be publicly published on the MUSSA website within a week of the meeting.
Both the AGM and monthly meetings may be held online or in person at the discretion of the MUSSA Council.
Each MUSSA executive and committee officer shall have one equal vote on matters requiring council approval.
This Constitution may be amended, modified, or translated by a decision of the Museum Studies student members present at an Annual General Meeting, provided that:
It was publicised that constitutional changes would be submitted at the Annual General Meeting;
The proposed constitutional changes were advertised to the student members prior to the meeting;
Fifty-one percent (51%) of the student members present voted in favour of the constitutional changes.
MUSSA can dissolve itself following the procedures set for constitutional amendments.